Ways we roll

Beyond just free rides and paid rides, BLOOM offers controls over the rental experience including optional reservations, breaks and other tools.


If you'd like to allow users to reserve a ride in advance you can specify how long to hold a mobility asset.

Taking a break

If you’d like users to be able to take a break and hold their ride open while securing the locking mechanism, allow users to pause their rides. To enable, in the System Settings, activate the Pause needed feature.

With the Pause feature enabled, when a user ends the ride, they will be asked if they’d like to take a break or end their ride. If they choose to take a break, the rental will still be open and attached to the user. When they return to the mobility, they can re-activate and continue their ride. If this is a paid system, they will be responsible for the time during the break.

Parking images

Want to get a peek at how user's parked their asset or ended their ride? You can require users to submit an image at the end of the ride.

Last updated