Approving users

Approving users

Depending on your System Settings, after a user joins a system, they’ll need to be granted access to join your system.

Manual approval

By default, your System will require manual approval for users to access your System. Users will receive a notification that they are “Pending Approval” until given access. You’ll need to access the BLOOM Dashboard to approve users manually. You’ll receive an email notification when a user requests access, and they will be in the User Approval List on your Dashboard for your review.

Alternatively, you can configure your System to automate the approval of users.

Auto approval

Auto-approval is ideal for Public, Paid systems. If you want to make your program automatically accessible to all users, you can have your System set to auto-approve new users.

Email approval

Email approval is ideal for Public or Private systems where all users share a common domain name. If you’d like users to be automatically approved to use your System without administrator approval based on their email address, set your System to email approval.

Email approval will send out a confirmation email to their email address if it is within the approved domain name. When the the user clicks on a link within the confirmation email, their account will be automatically approved.

License approval

For Premium systems, you have the option of requiring a user to upload an image of their identification. You can choose to automatically or manually verify the uploaded license images.

Last updated